Definition | : | Chief Technology Officer |
Category | : | Business » Job Titles |
Country/Region | : | Worldwide |
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What does CTO mean?
Chief Technology Officer (CTO), also known as a Chief Technical Officer (CTO), is a senior executive responsible for overseeing the technological aspects of a company.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of CTO?
The full form of CTO is Chief Technology Officer
What are the full forms of CTO in Business?
Chief Technology Officer | Configure-To-Order | Certified Television Operator
What are the full forms of CTO in Worldwide?
Chief Technology Officer | Cancelled To Order | Configure-To-Order | Chronic Total Occlusion | Caribbean Tourism Organization | Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation | Chlorine, Taste, Odor | City Ticket Office | Color Temperature Orange | Community Treatment Order | Crude Tall Oil | Certified Television Operator | Composés Traces Organiques
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