Definition : Air-to-Surface Missile
Category : Governmental » Military
Country/Region : Worldwide Worldwide
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What does ASM mean?

Air-to-Surface Missile (ASM) is a missile designed to be launched from military aircraft and strike ground targets on land, at sea, or both.

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We have found 6 more results for ASM
United States ASM American Society for Microbiology
Associations & Organizations
Professional Associations
Worldwide ASM Assistant Stage Manager
Job Titles
Worldwide ASM Assembly Language
Programming Languages
India ASM Assistant Station Master
Australia ASM Australian Society for Microbiology
Associations & Organizations
Non-Profit Organizations
Eritrea ASM Asmara International Airport
Transport & Travel
Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of ASM?

The full form of ASM is Air-to-Surface Missile

What are the full forms of ASM in Governmental?

Air-to-Surface Missile | Assistant Station Master

What are the full forms of ASM in Worldwide?

Air-to-Surface Missile | Assistant Stage Manager | Assembly Language


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