Definition : Aerial Bundled Cable
Category : Academic & Science » Electrical
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What does ABC mean?

Aerial Bundled Cable (ABC), also known as Aerial Bunched Cable (ABC), is a type of electrical cable that is used for overhead power distribution.
ABC consists of multiple insulated conductors bundled for ease of installation and improved safety in comparison to traditional overhead lines.

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We have found 3 more results for ABC
United States ABC American Broadcasting Company
Companies & Corporations
Worldwide ABC Atanasoff–Berry Computer
Australia ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of ABC in Cables?

The full form of ABC is Aerial Bundled Cable

What is the full form of ABC in Academic & Science?

Aerial Bundled Cable

What are the full forms of ABC in Worldwide?

Atanasoff–Berry Computer | Aerial Bundled Cable


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