Definition | : | Egyptian goddess of fertility and motherhood |
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What does Isis mean?
Isis (called “Aset” by the Egyptians) was the most important goddess of Egyptian mythology, and the goddess of love, fertility, healing and motherhood. Her name is the Greek form of an ancient Egyptian word for “throne.” Thus her name literally means Queen of the Throne. Isis was a protective goddess. She used powerful magic spells to help people in need. She was the daughter of Geb, the Earth God, and Nut, the Sky Goddess.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the full form of Isis?
The full form of Isis is Egyptian goddess of fertility and motherhood
What is the full form of Isis in Society & Culture?
Egyptian goddess of fertility and motherhood
What are the full forms of Isis in Worldwide?
Egyptian goddess of fertility and motherhood | Islamic State of Iraq and Syria | International Species Information System | Intermediate System to Intermediate System | Integrated Software for Imagery and Spectrometers