Definition : Helicopter Emergency Reconnaissance Observer
Category : Governmental » Security & Defence
Country/Region : United States United States
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What does HERO mean?

Helicopter Emergency Reconnaissance Observer (HERO) system is a technology which performs county- wide levee observer based evaluation using an integrated helicopter reconnaissance system. The Helicopter observer takes photos of ground damage (the HERO software determines the photograph ground image corners) and then the observer identifies the ground damage situation in seconds. Rapid and comprehensive damage assessment of levee systems is critical during and after hurricanes and coastal storms, this information is passed to Corps Districts, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other Federal, state and local agencies involved in emergency response to disasters.

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We have found 2 more results for HERO
United Kingdom HERO Higher Education and Research Opportunities
Academic & Science
Universities & Institutions
United States HERO Highway Emergency Response Operator
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the full form of HERO in Disaster Management?

The full form of HERO is Helicopter Emergency Reconnaissance Observer

What are the full forms of HERO in Governmental?

Highway Emergency Response Operator | Helicopter Emergency Reconnaissance Observer

What are the full forms of HERO in the United States?

Highway Emergency Response Operator | Helicopter Emergency Reconnaissance Observer


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